Capital Calligraphers Presents: Offhand Flourishing

Written on February 3rd, 2025 by D. T. Grimes

Offhand Flourishing by Grimes

At Salem’s Capital Calligraphers’ monthly meeting on February 6th, I presented a short talk, demonstration, and interactive lesson on Offhand Flourishing in the American tradition. This free presentation was streamed on Zoom during the event, and all who possess an interest in calligraphy were invited to attend!

When: 6:45pm PST on Feb 6th, 2025

Where: Capitol Manor Community Center, 2090 Manorview Circle NW, Salem, Ore.

Description: Nineteenth and twentieth century American penmen produced gems of flourishing that depicted the natural world, icons of the penman’s art, and graceful expressions of calligraphic beauty. In this presentation, we exploree the calligraphic line when it is “thrown from the elbow” with a pointed steel pen. Emphasis was placed on graceful movement above any specific form or design. Participants left understanding the Offhand Pen Grasp, the definition and foundations of Offhand Flourishing, and a practice pattern to further their explorations at home.

Supply list:

  1. A straight pen holder
  2. A pointed steel pen (or several)
  3. A jar of walnut ink
  4. Paper appropriately sized for writing fluid

Thank you for those of you who attended! Use code “LoveBird25” to receive $25 off of my Offhand Flourishing course before 03/01/2025.

Compliments from the penman Grimes

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