Dreaming in Script Graduation Ceremony 2024

Written on July 29th, 2024 by D. T. Grimes

Thank you to those of you who joined us on Friday July 26th for the 2024 Dreaming in Script Graduation Ceremony.

This was the fourth annual DIS Graduation Ceremony. How times flies! We honored thirteen individuals during the ceremony and displayed twelve Certificates of Merit on screen during the stream. After a 20-minute delay due to a technical mistake on my end, things went surprisingly smoothly. It’s always encouraging to be reminded by how patient and supportive our DIS community is. I really enjoyed all of the messages that were sent in to the live chat for each graduate.

Godspeed, graduates! May your adventure in script continue from here and lead you to amazing heights. All of your accomplishments up this point are but an forshadowing of what the bright future holds in store.

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