The Masgrimes Lining Triangle

Quickly and accurately line a full set of pencil guidelines in a variety of x-heights for all your calligraphy projects with the Masgrimes Lining Triangle.

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A quick demonstration

Although lining triangles have existed for over a hundred years, this lining triangle offers several distinct improvements on the historic designs that influenced it. The Masgrimes Lining Triangle is a minimalist addition to every contemporary pen artist’s toolkit.

Key features of the Masgrimes Lining Triangle:

Get creative!

Try combining different sets of holes to create additional guideline schemes, kick the triangle up on one corner and use it to ink the crossbar of your minuscule “t,” or spin the triangle to the third (top) angle and produce 73° angled slant lines for a more upright script.

Use the hashtag #LiningTriangle to find out how other calligraphers around the world are using their Masgrimes Lining Triangle on Instagram.