June 6th, 2022 in Thoughts On Writing
Getting Started with Calligraphy
So many would-be penmen neglect getting started until they can “get started on the right foot.” I posit that there is not only no “right foot”, but no “wrong foot” either. There is only the first step and the learning experiences that we have along the way.
Read more »November 27th, 2020 in Thoughts On Writing
How to Improve Your Handwriting
A generally accepted trinity of desirable qualities in the penmanship ethos is that of rapidity, legibility, and ease. Writing styles that possess these three qualities are likely considered “good” by the general public. Similar to the old saying about “good, fast, and cheap,” certain styles de-emphasize one of these three aspects in favor of the other two. Some styles may be legible and rapid, but not easy, while are others are easy and rapid, but not legible, etc.
Read more »November 9th, 2020 in Thoughts On Writing
Oblique Pen Holder Set-up and Adjustment
Over the last ten years, I’ve written with oblique holders from many different penmakers. I’ve taken the opportunity to ask to try the holders belonging to students in my workshops. I’ve even made several myself. One thing that I know for certain is: A good holder is one that is well adjusted for its owner.
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